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Zhenlin Hu

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

Personal introduction

Zhenlin hu,professor, Shanghai pujiang Talent, Shanghai university medical school professor, anti-inflammatory and immune regulating drugs focus on basic and applied research, as the Chinese pharmacological society anti-inflammatory immunopharmacology professional committee, representative papers published in the Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Chemistry and Biology, Phytomedicine, such as magazines, presided over by the national natural science fund project five, Shanghai pujiang talent project topic 1 items, the national "major drug discovery" major science and technology special topic subject 1 items, Army medical science "five-year" key topic subject 1 items, "twelfth five-year" army outpatient drug discovery technology platform one major projects corpus, who won the Shanghai science and technology progress award 1, military science and technology progress award 1 second, 1 item in hebei province and fujian province scientific and technological progress second prize, 1 item of Chinese medical science.

Main research areas

Basic and applied research on anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory drugs

Representative Academic Achievements

The paper

1. Chen Y, Li X, Gan X, Qi J, Che B, Tai M, Gao S, Zhao W, Xu N, Hu Z*. Fucoidan from Undaria pinnatifida Ameliorates Epidermal Barrier Disruption via Keratinocyte Differentiation and CaSR Level Regulation. Mar Drugs. 2019 Nov 24; 17(12). pii: E660.

2. Xu N, Deng W, He G, Gan X, Gao S, Chen Y, Gao Y, Xu K, Qi J, Lin H, Shen L, Li X, Hu Z*. Alpha- and gamma-mangostins exhibit anti-acne activities via multiple mechanisms. Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol. 2018 Nov 13:1-8. 4.

3. Wang Q, Gao S, Wu GZ, Yang N, Zu XP, Li WC, Xie N, Zhang RR, Li CW, Hu ZL*, Zhang WD. Total sesquiterpene lactones isolated from Inula helenium L. attenuates 2,4-dinitrochlorobenzene-induced atopic dermatitis-like skin lesions in mice. Phytomedicine. 2018 Jul 15; 46:78-84.

4. Chen H, Wu G, Gao S, Guo R, Zhao Z, Yuan H, Liu S, Wu J, Lu X, Yuan X, Yu Z, Zu X, Xie N, Yang N, Hu Z*, Sun Q, Zhang W. Discovery of Potent Small-Molecule Inhibitors of Ubiquitin-Conjugating Enzyme UbcH5c fromα-Santonin Derivatives. J Med Chem. 2017 Aug 24; 60(16):6828-6852.

5. Gao S, Wang Q, Tian XH, Li HL, Shen YH, Xu XK, Wu GZ, Hu ZL*, Zhang WD. Total sesquiterpene lactones prepared from Inula helenium L. has potentials in prevention and therapy of rheumatoid arthritis. J Ethnopharmacol. 2017 Jan 20; 196:39-46.

Participated in work

1. Chromosomes, Genes and Diseases, Science Press, 2008, Editor-in-Chief.

2. Genetic Engineering Pharmacy, People's Medical Publishing House, 2010.

3. Molecular Pharmacology, Second Military Medical University Press, 2011.

Social Academic Part-time Job

Member of Anti-inflammatory Immunopharmacology Specialized Committee of Chinese Pharmacological Society

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