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Honorary Director of Tumor Precision Targeting Research Center, Shanghai University

Rui L. Reis

Professor Rui L. Reis has been a full professor at the University of Mineo in Portugal since 2011. Since 2013 she has served as the Vice-Chancellor of the University of Mineo and as the Director of the 3BS Laboratory.He has also served as President of the Portuguese Society for Stem Cells and Cell Therapy and the International Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.He was elected as a Foreign Fellow of the American Academy of Engineering in 2016.

Dr. Rui L. Reis is a professor of biomedical materials, tissue engineering, and the design of oncology drug carriers in fundamental and applied research.He has published more than 1000 articles in international journals, applied for 75 national and international patents, authored 10 professional books, 6 special issues of scientific journals and more than 250 chapters of books in international circulation and international encyclopedias, attended more than 1980 conferences, and given about 200 guest lectures at other universities or research institutions.The article has been cited about 33,600 times in ISI Wok, with an ISI H index of 87.In 2013, he was selected by the prestigious newspaper Expresso as one of the 100 most influential Portuguese citizens (in all fields of activity).He has received the ESaform Science Award, the Jean Leray Award, the Incentive Excellence Award, the Pfizer Clinical Research Award, the Start Innovation Award, the University of Mineo Scientific Achievement Award of the Year, the George Winter Award, and the Clemson Award for Contribution to Literature.In 2014, he was nominated as one of the first two honorary citizens of Guimares, Portugal, and won the Gold Award of Guimares.In 2018, he was awarded the Harvey Prize for Engineering Research, one of the international awards for major engineering research.In 2019, he received the Career Achievement Award from the International Society for Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine.

Yanli Wang, professor, researcher

Director of Tumor Precision Targeting Research Center, Shanghai University

Head of intelligent medicine discipline, Shanghai University

Institute of Nanochemistry and Biology, Shanghai University



Yan-li wang, female, Shanghai university, professor, doctoral supervisor, the national natural science fund for outstanding young winner, tumor precise targeting, director of the center for Shanghai university, a visiting scholar at Harvard University, director of Chinese medical imaging AI industry-university-institute with innovation alliance, non-public nuclear medicine and molecular imaging committee, China association of Chinese pharmaceutical biotech imaging technology branch member, China association of nano oncology professional committee, nuclear medicine specialized branch of the youth committee, Shanghai medical association medical professionals fusion branch of association of Chinese medicine health culture.

She has presided over 4 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 projects of National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program), and a number of projects of Municipal Education Commission.She has published more than 40 papers indexed by SCI and cited 1280 times in international famous journals such as Advanced Materials and Nature Communications, among which the highest citation is 378 times in a single paper. Has participated in the editing of one monographs, applied for 15 invention patents, and was invited to participate in international reports for nearly 20 times.Hosted 4 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, presided over projects of Municipal Science and Technology Commission, participated in national key research and development plan, national natural science foundation and many other projects.

Study experience

2017-2018 Visiting Associate Professor, University of Michigan, USA

2015-2017 Visiting Scholar at Harvard University, USA

2010-2011 Visiting Scholar, Clemson University, USA

2007-2010 Institute of Nanochemistry and Biology, Shanghai University, Ph.D

2002-2005, Master of Science, Department of Chemistry, School of Science,

Shanghai University

1998-2002, Department of Chemistry, Shandong Qufu Normal University,

Bachelor of Engineering

Research Work Experience

2017- Present Research Fellow, Institute of Nanochemistry and Biology,

Shanghai University

2012-2017 Associate Professor, Institute of Nanochemistry and Biology,

Shanghai University

2007-2012 Assistant Professor, Institute of Nanochemistry and Biology,

Shanghai University

2005-2007, Secretary of the Communist Youth League Committee and

instructor, College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai



1.Application of nano-fluorescent specific tumor targeting materials in tumor diagnosis

2. Development of intelligent targeted nano drugs

3.Development of tumor marker detection kit

4.Chronic disease prevention and health management

Published papers

1. Z. Lei#, L. Ding#, C. Yao #, F. Mo#, C. Li, Y. Huang, X. Yin, Y. Zhang, Q. Lu,Y. Wang*, A Highly Efficient Tumor-Targeting Nanoprobe with a Novel Cell Membrane Permeability Mechanism, Advanced Materials. 2019 ,DOI:10.1002/adma.201807456,IF=21.95

2. L. Ding, C. Yao,X. Yin, C. Li, Y. Huang, M. Wu, B. Wang, X. Guo,Y. Wang*, M. Wu*,Size, shape and protein corona determine cellular uptake and removal mechanisms of gold nanoparticles,Small, 2018.DOI:10.1002/smll.201801451 IF=9.598

3. L. Wang†,Y. L. Wang, T. Xu, H. Liao, C. Yao, Z. Li, Z. Chen, Y. Liu, M. Wu*, L. Sun*, D. Pan*, Gram-scale synthesis of single-crystalline graphene quantum dots with superior optical properties, Nature communication, 2014, 5:5357.

4. G. M. DeLoid+,Y.L. Wang+,K. Kapronezai, L. R. Lorente, R. Zhang, G. Pyrgiotakis, N. V. Konduru , M. Ericsson, J. C. White, R. De La Torre-Roche, H. Xiao, D. J. McClements, P. Demokritou,An integrated methodology for assessing the impact of food matrix and gastrointestinal effects on the biokinetics and cellular toxicity of ingested engineered nanomaterials,Particle and Fibre Toxicology(2017) 14:40. IF=8.9

5. A. Cao, Z. Ye, Z. Cai, E. Dong, X. Yang, G. Liu, X. Deng, S.Y. WangT. Yang, H. Wang,* M. Wu, Y. Liu,A facile method to encapsulate proteins in silica nanoparticles: encapsulated green fluorescent protein as a robust fluorescence probe,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2010, 49, 3022-3025. IF=12.1

6. J. Wang, C. Yao, B. Shen, X. Zhu, L. Shi, Y. Zhang, J. Liu*,Y. Wang*, L. Sun*, Upconversion-magnetic Carbon Sphere with Pomegranate Structure for Near-infrared Light Triggered Bioimaging and Photothermal Therapy,Theranostics, 2019. IF=8.537,

7.Wang YL*, Yao CJ, Li CC, Ding L, Liu J, Dong P, Fang HP, Lei ZD, Shi GS, Wu MH. Excess titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the cell surface induce cytotoxicity by hindering ion exchange and disrupting exocytosis processes.Nanoscale. 2015, 7(30): 13105-13115. IF=7.76

8.. L.Wang,L.Yuan, C.Yao,L.Ding, C.Li, J.Fang, K.Sui,Y. F.Liu*, Minghong Wu*, Combined toxicity study of zinc oxide nanoparticles and Vitamin C in food additives,nanoscale,2014,6:15333-15342. IF=7.76

9. Y.L. Wang,Q. Wu, K. Sui, X. Chen, J. Fang, X. Hu, M. Wu, Y. Liu, A Quantitative Study of Exocytosis of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles from Neural Stem Cells,Nanoscale, 2013, 5(11):4737-4743.IF=7.76

10.Y. L. Wang,J. Wang, X. Deng, J. Wang, H. Wang, M. Wu, Z. Jiao,Y. Liu, Direct Imaging of Titania Nanotubes Located in Mouse Neural Stem Cell Nuclei,Nano Res.2009, 2, 543-552.IF=7.994,等