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Chuan Zhang

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

Personal introduction

Zhang Chuan, professor, born in March 1966 in Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, is currently a professor and doctoral supervisor of School of Medicine, Shanghai University.

Mainly engaged in the research of active components of Chinese medicine, especially the invention of innovative Chinese medicine and the mechanism of action of drugs. More than 12 innovative drug projects have been approved, including first-class new drugs, of which 9 have obtained new drug certificates, clinical approvals or been reported to SFDA, and the total amount of funding and transfer from the state, Shanghai Municipality and enterprises has exceeded 50 million yuan. It has won 1 first prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, 3 second prizes of Army Science and Technology Progress Award, and 1 third prize. He has published more than 80 papers at home and abroad, among which more than 40 have been published in foreign SCI journals. It has received 18 national vertical funds, 11 of which were approved as the first applicant, with a total amount of more than 7.9 million yuan.13 published books;20 national patents have been applied, among which 8 have been authorized.

Main research areas

Mainly engaged in the research of active components of Chinese medicine, especially the invention of innovative Chinese medicine and the mechanism of action of drugs.

Representative Academic Achievements

The paper

1.Dan Jia, Cheng-Zhong Zhang, Yan Qiu, Xiao-Fei Chen, Lin Jia, Alex F. Chen, Yi-Feng Chai, Zhen-Yu Zhu, Jin Huang and Chuan Zhang*,Cardioprotective mechanisms of salvianic acid A sodium in rats with myocardial infarction based on proteome and transcriptome analysis. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2019, 0:1-10. (Published online 28 June,2019)

2.Dan Jia, Liyan Xiong, Xuhong Yu, Xiaofei Chen, Tingfang Wang,Alex F. Chen, Yifeng Chai, Zhenyu Zhu and Chuan Zhang*Cardioprotective mechanism study of salvianic acid A sodium based on a proteome microarray approach and metabolomic profiling of rat serum after myocardial infarction.

3.Dan Jia, Tian Li, Xiaofei Chen, Xuan Ding, Yifeng Chai, Alex F. Chen, Zhenyu Zhu,Chuan Zhang*. Salvianic acid A sodium protects HUVEC cells against tert-butyl hydroperoxide induced oxidative injury via mitochondria-dependent pathway. Chemico-Biological Interactions, 2018, 279 (5) : 234-242.

4.Ning Zhang, Hao Zou, Lei Jin, Jian Wang, Mei-Fang Zhong, Peng Huang, Bing-Qing Gu, Shilongmao,Chuan Zhang *,Hong CHEN *. Biphasic effects of sodium danshensu on vessel function in isolated rat aorta. ActaPharmacologicaSinica, 2010, 31:421-428 (IF2.354)

Participated in work

Shanghai Science and Technology Publishing House, 2018, co-editor

Social Academic Part-time Job

Standing director of Cardiovascular Pharmacology Professional Committee of Chinese Pharmacological Society;

Standing director of Adult Education Committee of China Medical Education Association;

Standing director of Quality Branch of Chinese Medicinal Materials and Decoction Pipe, China Society of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine;

Standing director of Chinese Medicine Deployment and Monitoring Branch, China Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information;

Standing member of Professional Committee for Quality Assurance of Decoction Pieces of Chinese Materia Medica, China Association of Chinese Materia Medica.

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