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Yanli Wang

创建时间:  2021/02/25  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

Yanli Wang, researcher, doctoral supervisor.Currently, he is the director of Tumor Precision Targeting Research Center of Shanghai University, the head of intelligent medicine discipline of Shanghai University, the director of China Medical Imaging AI Innovation Alliance of Industry, University, Research and Application, and the member of China Non-Public Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Committee.His main research interests include: the application of nano-fluorescent targeting materials in tumor diagnosis;Nano-drug design and its application in tumor therapy;Development of tumor marker detection kit;Biosafety of Nanomaterials.Yan-li wang, a professor at Harvard University cooperation with the United States, focusing on the design of intelligent targeted nano fluorescent probe and its application in tumor treatment precision, developed a carbon-based targeted tumor cell nucleus fluorescence probe, put forward the new mechanism of cell membrane permeability of targeted, has realized the single cell level, precise tumor cells to identify target to tumor targeting rate has risen from less than 5% to more than 50%, the first is a simple, green, controlled molecular fusion method, at the molecular level and industrial scale can control the growth of single crystal graphene quantum dots, push the development in the field of graphene quantum dots again to a new stage.She has published more than 40 papers indexed by SCI and cited 1125 times in international famous journals such as Advanced Materials and Nature Communications, among which a single paper has been cited 191 times. He has participated in the compilation of one monographs, applied for 15 invention patents, and was invited to attend international conference reports for nearly 20 times.He has presided over 3 projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 projects of National Key Basic Research and Development Program (973 Program), and a number of projects of Municipal Education Commission.

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