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Report:Research progress and prospect of intelligent nanomedicine

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   


Reporter: Professor Cui Daxiang

At the meeting, professor cui introduced the combination of nanometer technology and clinical medicine, the formation of nanometer medicine. With the rapid development of precision medicine, nanometer precision medicine has made rapid progress, and intelligent nanometer precision medicine has emerged. Professor Cui reviewed the concept, progress and development prospect of intelligent nanometer precision medicine.He is particularly interested in intelligent nanomaterials, nanometer detection devices and sensors, intelligent responsive nanomaterials, nanomaterials for surgical boundary confirmation and lymph node tracer, nanomaterials for targeted immunotherapy, and has conducted clinical translational research with the goal of actively promoting the integration and transformation of nanomaterials and clinical diagnosis and treatment.

上一条:Report:Molecular targeting drug resistance and strategies for overcoming it

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