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Report:Molecular diagnosis of emerging infectious diseases

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   


Reporter: Lu Hongzhou

In recent years, there have been frequent outbreaks of new infectious diseases in the world. With the frequent international exchanges, the risk of the spread of infectious diseases is also increasing, which poses a major threat to China's public health security. The establishment of high-throughput, rapid, accurate and cost-effective molecular biological identification methods for pathogens is a key research direction of public health emergency work, which is related to the timely diagnosis, isolation and treatment of patients. In recent years, the molecular diagnosis of pathogens has developed by leaps and leaps, from the simple nucleic acid detection of single pathogens to the capture sequencing technology of virus group based on second-generation sequencing, which plays a great role in the detection of new pathogens.

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