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Report:Design of targeted fluorescent probe and its application in accurate diagnosis and treatment of tumor

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   


Reporter: Professor Wang Yanli

Cancer is still the number one killer of human beings, and effective tumor targeting has long been a major clinical challenge. The new targeting mechanism of the nanofluorescent probe has realized the efficient and accurate targeting of tumor cells at the single-cell level of highly diffuse and metastatic tumor tissues, increasing the tumor targeting rate from the current 5% to more than 50%.The proposed new tumor targeting mechanism breaks the bottleneck of low tumor targeting rate in the field of tumor targeted therapy for 30 years. Focusing on the design and application of intelligent precise targeting nanofluorescent probes, the targeting mechanism of nuclear specific targeting nanofluorescent probes was deeply studied, and automatic digital multi-channel tissue sample scanner was developed to realize rapid, real-time and high-precision histopathological analysis and detection. The visualization real-time surgical navigator for tumors was developed to realize the visual surgical resection of tumors at the single-cell level and reduce the recurrence rate of tumors. To achieve the research objectives of high targeting and high efficacy, and promote the breakthrough in the integration of cancer diagnosis and treatment.

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