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Chenchen Li

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

Personal introduction

Chenchen Li, a postdoctoral fellow at Shanghai University. During the doctoral period, She published 15 SCI papers, including one and a total of three, and participated in the compilation of the book "Toxicology of Chapter 10 of "Nanomaterials," 8 applications for patents and 2 attendance at international conferences. Her main research interests include nano self-assembled drugs for intelligent and accurate diagnosis and treatment of cancer, nano gene drugs, and the effects of psychology, nutrition and exercise on the development and therapeutic effect of cancer as well as their molecular biological mechanisms.

Representative Academic Achievements

1. J.Y. He#, C.C. Li#, L. Ding#, Y.N. Huang#, X.L. Yin, J.F. Zhang, J. Zhang, C.J. Yao, M.M. Liang, R. P. Pirraco, J. Chen,

Q. Lu, R. Baldridge, Y. Zhang, M.H. Wu*, R. L. Reis*, Y.L. Wang*, Tumor Targeting Strategies of Smart Fluorescent

Nanoparticles and Their Application in Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment, Advanced Materials, 2019. (IF=23.77, common

For the first time)

2. C.C. Li#, K.K. Zhang#, C.J Yao, Lin Ding, Yanan Huang, Xuelian Yin, Junfeng Zhang, Wenchao Gao, Jian Zhang,

Minghong Wu* and Y.L. Wang*, Altering sub-cellular location for bioimaging by engineering the carbon based

Journal of Fluorescent Nanoprobe and Fluorescent Nanoprobe, 2019. (IF=5.636, first author)

3. Y.N. Huang#, L. Ding#, C.C. Li#, M. Wu, M.M. Wang, C.J. Yao, X.L. Yin, J.F. Zhang, J.L. Liu, Y. Zhang, M.H. Wu*, Y.L.

Wang*, Safety issue of changed nanotoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in the multicomponent system, Particle and

(IF=4.38), Particle Systems Characterization, 2019.

4. Z.D. Lei, L. Ding, C.J. Yao, F.F. Mo, C.C. Li, Y.N. Huang, X.L. Yin, M. Li, J.L. Liu, Y. Zhang, C.Q. Ling* and Y.L. Wang*, A

Highly Efficient Tumor‐Targeting Nanoprobe with a Novel Cell Membrane Mechanism, Advanced

Materials, 2019. (IF=23.77, 5th author)

5. Y.L. Wang, C.C. Li, C.J. Yao, L. Ding, Z.D. Lei, M.H. Wu*, Techniques for Investigating Molecular Toxicology of

Nanomaterials, Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2016. (IF=5.068)

The international conference on


6. C.J. Yao, C.C. Li, L. Ding, P. Dong, Y.L. Wang*, M.H. Wu*, Mechanism Study of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

Induces Cytotoxicity, NanoMedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2016. (IF=6.5, 2nd author)

7. C.J. Yao, C.C. Li, L. Ding, P. Dong, M.H. Wu, Y.L. Wang*, D.Y. Pan*, Single-Crystalline Graphene Quantum Dots as

Bright Fluorescent Probes, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology and Medicine, 2016. (IF=6.5, 2nd author)

8. L. Ding, C.J. Yao, X.F. Yin, C.C. Li, Y.N. Huang, M. Wu, B. Wang, X.Y. Guo, Y.L. Wang*, M.H. Wu*, Size, Shape, and

Protein Corona Determine Cellular Uptake and Removal Mechanisms of Gold Nanoparticles, Small, 2018.

(IF=9.598, fourth author)

9. Y.L. Wang, L. Ding , C.J. Yao, C.C. Li, X.J. Xing , T.J. Gu, Y.N. Huang, M.H. Wu*, Toxic effects of metal oxide

Nanoparticles and their underlying mechanisms, Science China Materials, 2017, 60(2)93 -- 108. (If =5.636, 4th author)

10. C.J. Yao, Y.S. Tu, L. Ding, C.C. Li, J. Wang, H.P. Fang, Y.N. Huang, K.K. Zhang, Q. Lu, M.H. Wu*, Y.L. Wang*, Tumor

Cell- Specific Nuclear Targeting of Functionalized Graphene Quantum Dots in Vivo, Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2017.

(IF=4.485, fourth author)

11. T.J. Gu, C.J. Yao, K.K. Zhang, C.C. Li, L. Ding, Y.N. Huang, M.H. Wu* and Yanli Wang*, Toxic effects of zinc oxide

nanoparticles combined with vitamin C and casein phospho-peptides on gastric epithelium cells and the intestinal

Absorption of mice, RSC Advanced, 2017. (IF=2.936, 4th author)

12. Y.L. Wang, C.J. Yao, L. Ding, C.C. Li, J. Wang, M.H. Wu, Y. Lei, Enhancement of the Immune Function by Titanium

Dioxide Nanorods and Their Application in Cancer Immunotherapy.Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology,

2017. (IF=4.71, 4th author)

13. Y.L. Wang, C.J. Yao, C.C. Li, L. Ding, J. Liu, P. Dong, H.P. Fang, Z.D. Lei, G.S. Shi and M.H. Wu, Excess titanium

dioxide nanoparticles on the cell surface induce cytotoxicity by hindering ion exchange and disrupting exocytosis

Processes, Nanoscale, 2015. (IF=7.233, 3rd author)

14. Y.L. Wang, L.L. Yuan, C.J. Yao, L. Ding, C.C. Li, J. Fang, K.K. Sui, Y.F. Liu* and M.H. Wu*, A combined toxicity study of

Zinc oxide nanoparticles and vitamin C in food consistency, (IF=7.233, 5th author), 2014.

15. Y.L. Wang, Lulu Yuan, C.J. Yao, L. Ding, C.C. Li, J. Fang, M.H. Wu*, Caseinophospho-peptides cytoprotect human

Gastric epithelial cells induced by zinc oxide nanoparticles, RSC Advanced, 2014. (IF=2.936, 5.

The author)


1. Y.L. Wang, C.C. Li, C.Y. Chen, Methods and Techniques in Molecular Toxicology of Nanomaterials Chapter 10, September 2016, Ed, Z. Zhang, Y Zhao. (2nd author, first work by my tutor)


1. Kit (for tumor single cell recognition) (202030153669.0, 4th author)

2. Kit (Fluorescence Labeling Nuclear) (202030153674.1, 5th author)

3. Yanli Wang;Zhang kangkang.Yao Chenjie;Gu tianjiao;Chen-chen li;Ding Lin;Minghong Wu, Visualized Tracking of Tumor Cells Using Graphene Quantum Dots.


4. Yanli Wang;Yao Chenjie;Ding Lin;Chen-chen li;Zhang kangkang.Minghong Wu, Fluorescence Labeling Cell Nuclei Kit and Its Labeling Method.(CN201710704138.3)

5. Yanli Wang;Yao Chenjie;Ding Lin;Chen-chen li;Minghong Wu, A method for tumor detection using graphene quantum dots.(CN201710286284.9)

6. Yanli Wang;Yao Chenjie;Ding Lin;Chen-chen li;Zhang kangkang.Minghong Wu, Targeting properties of sulfonate-based graphene quantum dot nuclei in the detection of in situ hepatoma cells.


7. Shi Wenyan;Duan Xin;Huang Zhan;Chen-chen li;Shen Longxiang;Ming-hong wu;Yan-li wang;Xu Gang, a preparation method of nano titanium dioxide/diatomite wall coating.(CN201610023299.1)

8. Yanli Wang;Pan yu;Yao Chenjie;Chen-chen li;Ding Lin;Minghong Wu, Sulfonic Acid - Based Graphene Quantum Dots as Bioluminescent Probes and Applications.(CN201510394852.8)

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