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Rui L. Reis

创建时间:  2020/12/29  李晨晨   浏览次数:   


Rui L. Reis教授2011年就在葡萄牙米尼奥大学获得全职教授职位,自2013年起任米尼奥大学副校长,并担任3Bs实验室主任。还曾任葡萄牙干细胞和细胞治疗学会和组织工程与再生医学国际学会的主席。他2016年入选为美国工程院外籍院士。

Rui L. Reis教授致力于生物医用材料、组织工程、肿瘤药物载体设计等方面的基础和应用研究。他在国际期刊上发表文章超过1000多篇,申请国家和国际专利75项, 撰写10本专业书籍,6期科学期刊特刊及250多个国际流通书籍和国际百科全书的章节,参加1980多个会议,在其他大学或研究机构举办了约200场特邀讲座。文章在ISI WoK中被引用了大约33600次,ISI H指数为87。2013年,他被著名的EXPRESSO报纸选为100名最具影响力的葡萄牙公民之一(在所有活动领域)。曾获ESAFORM科学奖,Jean LeRay奖,卓越激励奖,辉瑞临床研究奖,START创新奖,米尼奥大学年度科学成就奖,乔治温特奖,Clemson文献贡献奖等。2014年获葡萄牙吉马雷斯市金奖,提名为吉马雷斯市首批两名荣誉市民之一。2018年获哈维工程研究奖,该奖项是国际重大工程研究奖项之一。2019年获由组织工程和再生医学国际学会颁发的职业成就奖。

Rui L. Reis has been involved in biomaterials research since 1990. He has worked several periods abroad, in different Universities and companies. His main area of research is the development of biomaterials from natural origin polymers (starch, chitin, chitosan, casein, soy, algae based materials, silk fibroin, gellan gum, carragenan, hyaluronic acid, ulvan, xanthan, marine collagen, smart peptides, aloe vera, etc.) that in many cases his group originally proposed for a range of biomedical applications, including different medical devices, bone replacement and fixation, biodegradable stents and drug eluting stents, drug delivery carriers, partially degradable bone cements and tissue engineering scaffolding for a range of different tissues. Lately the research of his group has been increasingly focused on tissue engineering (TE), regenerative and precision medicine, stem cells and drug delivery applications. His research group works with bone marrow, adipose-derived, umbilical cord, amniotic origin and embryonic stem cells. The group has been working on the engineering of bone, cartilage, osteochondral, skin, intervertebral discs, meniscus, tendons and ligaments, liver and neurological tissues regeneration, as well as on TE approaches for different 3D disease models, including cancer models and new cancer therapeutic approaches, and therapies for diabetes.

