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The First High-end Forum on Intelligent Precision Medicine was successfully held in Shanghai University

创建时间:  2021/02/25  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

In order to promote the depth of the artificial intelligence and precision medical integration, response to national health, the development strategy of China's response to speed up the construction of first-class medical center of Shanghai city strategy, helping Shanghai city in 2020 to become Asia medical center and Asia first-class health city, in 2030 to become global influence health science and technology innovation center and global health model city development goals, speed up the construction of new Shanghai university medical promote quickly, promote the development of Shanghai university school of medicine preparation work across, on April 29, 2019, sponsored by Shanghai university, The first Intelligent Precision Medical High-end Forum co-organized by Shanghai Tianci International Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Panorama Medical Imaging Diagnostic Center was successfully held in Siyuan Hall, Building 2 of Lehu New Building. The "Intelligent Precision Medicine High-end Forum" invited famous scientists, leading enterprises and relevant leaders of Shanghai to conduct in-depth discussion on the frontier fields, future development and strategic layout of "Intelligent Precision Medicine".

Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Party Secretary of Shanghai University, the Principal Jin Donghan, Director of Shanghai Institute of Medicine, Chinese Academy of engineering, Ding Jian, vice President of Shanghai University Wang Xiaofan , Yi Chengdong, Deputy Director of Shanghai Municipal Health Commission, Fu Daxu, Deputy Director of Shanghai Biomedical Science and Technology Industry Promotion Center, Zhang Hongtao, Director of Artificial Intelligence Development Division of Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission, and Dong Lianyan, Deputy Director of Biomedical Development Division of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission attended the forum and delivered speeches. Experts from all over the country and representatives of high-quality enterprises in Shanghai were invited to participate in the forum. They are Liu Shiyuan, director of the Department of Imaging Medicine and Nuclear Medicine of Changzheng Hospital, and president of China Medical Imaging AI Innovation Alliance of Industry, Education, Research and Application. Lu Hongzhou, Party Secretary of Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center; Daxiang Cui, Deputy Director of Institute of Translational Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University; Liu Zhuang, Professor, Soochow University; Liang Minmin, Professor, Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Liu Gang, Professor, Xiamen University; Professor Yang Banghua, School of Mechanical Science and Technology of Shanghai University, Chairman Li Hanpu and General Manager Chi Wangzhou of Shanghai Tianci International Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Zhang Jian, president of Shanghai Panorama Medical Diagnostic Center, experts from all over the country and representatives of high-quality enterprises. Professor Xu Jinlian, Head of the Preparatory Group of School of Medicine of Shanghai University; Professor Fei Mingmin, Dean of School of Mechatronic Engineering and Automation of Shanghai University; Jingbo Yin, Dean of Community College of Shanghai University and Professor of School of Materials Science and Engineering; Qian Dongying, Party Secretary of Environmental and Chemical Engineering of Shanghai University, and other related discipline leaders, teachers and students. Professor Wang Yanli, head of the intelligent medicine discipline of Shanghai University and director of the Tumor Precision Targeting Research Center of Shanghai University, presided over the opening ceremony of the forum and introduced the leaders and experts present.

Mr. Jin Donghan, Secretary of the Party Committee, President of Shanghai University and Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, extended a warm welcome to all the distinguished leaders on behalf of Shanghai University. President Jin introduced the beautiful Shanghai University from three aspects: campus landscape, discipline layout and history of its establishment. President Jin pointed out that the theme of this forum is very consistent with the development of Shanghai as a first-class central city and the national deployment of "Healthy China 2030". Through this forum, the construction of medical discipline in Shanghai University has been further promoted. President Jin hopes to make full use of the university's disciplinary strengths, focusing on the integration of medicine and industry, intelligent medicine and precision medicine. With the guideline of "small but fine, high starting point, deep integration, internationalization, and education of talents", the company explores a world-class medical development model of Shanghai University style with Chinese characteristics. President Jin said that Shanghai University is willing to work with high-quality enterprises to jointly build an incubator base for scientific research achievements of intelligent precision medicine and a transformation base for clinical application. To jointly build a world-class innovative medical talent training base, a first-class intelligent medical science and technology innovation base, a first-class clinical medicine discipline and a medical transformation and application practice base. It is hoped that by taking this forum as an opportunity, the faculty and students of the Medical Engineering Department of Shanghai University can cherish this rare opportunity to learn more and consult more, and at the same time explore the possibility of cooperation with the industry, university and research institute, so as to achieve win-win cooperation and promote the rapid development of intelligent precision medicine in Shanghai. Zhang Hongtao, director of artificial intelligence department of Shanghai Economic and Information Technology Commission, pointed out that the development of artificial intelligence needs to solve the problems from three aspects: technological breakthrough, demonstration application and promotion, and support system. Dong Lianyan, deputy director of the biomedical department of Shanghai Municipal Science and Technology Commission, pointed out the importance of technological innovation, cross-border penetration and integration in the development of artificial intelligence. Fu Daxu, deputy director of the Shanghai Biomedical Technology Industry Promotion Center, acknowledged the university's research foundation in the field of artificial intelligence, saying that the effective combination of artificial intelligence and precision medicine requires talents from all disciplines. All the leaders have put forward substantive suggestions on the research and construction of artificial intelligence and precision medicine in Shanghai University based on the policies of Shanghai Municipality.

During the academic exchange, Academician Ding Jian, Director of Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences, delivered a report on "Molecular Targeted Drug Resistance and Overcoming Strategies". With the advent of the era of precision medicine, it is urgent to innovate the concept of anti-tumor drug research and development, and to carry out all-round and multi-level biomarker research as soon as possible while promoting drug research and development. Academician Ding presented to the audience a number of important scientific research achievements made by Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica over the years, aiming at the international frontier, in the fields of new molecular discovery of molecular targeted anti-tumor drugs, new mechanism exploration, new marker research and new drug candidate research and development.

Next, Liu Shiyuan, director of the department of imaging medicine and nuclear medicine of Changzheng Hospital, reported on the current situation and prospect of the development of medical imaging artificial intelligence for chest diseases. The research of medical imaging artificial intelligence starts from lung nodules, and the scene of the ground may be realized from chest diseases first. Chest disease detection from image acquisition, quality control, lesions and lesions of qualitative, quantitative lesions and lesions classification model, the principle of targeted therapy, curative effect evaluation needs to be assigned to help AI products, the director of the liu, AI revolution will change our work mode, improve work efficiency, we should challenge carries forward to move on. The (Fudan University) public health clinical center of Shanghai party secretary Lu Hongzhou, a professor at the new research progress in the molecular diagnosis of infectious diseases report, at present, establish high-throughput, rapid, accurate and cost-effective methods for identifying pathogens molecular biology is the key research direction in public health emergency work, relationship to the patient can timely isolation and timely diagnosis and treatment. Professor Cui Daxiang, vice dean of Institute of Translational Medicine, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, introduced the research progress and prospect of intelligent nanomedicine, and summarized the concept, progress and development prospect of intelligent nanomedicine precision medicine. Focusing on intelligent nanomaterials, nanometer detection devices and sensors, intelligent responsive nanomaterials, nanomaterials for surgical boundary confirmation and lymph node tracer, nanomaterials for targeted immunotherapy, and conducting a range of translational clinical research. Suzhou university professor Liu Zhuang reported nano biomaterials research associated with the tumor immunotherapy, Liu Zhuang, professor team trying to nano biological technology combined with immunotherapy strategies, in a recent study, their use has been approved by FDA of material system to build a new treatment with biological material, immunotherapy strategies can be combined with optical treatment, radiotherapy techniques and play a synergistic effect, by local treatment to achieve general curative effect, effectively inhibiting tumor metastasis and relapse, animal experiment results are effective. Institute of biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor Liang Minmin ferritin medical application of bionic materials are introduced, and member of Yan Xi aggregates as the leader of the group on the basis of body protein unique natural iron shell nuclear structure, biomimetic polymers synthesized 24 ferritin nanoparticles, one step, the identification of tumor and visualization to shorten clinical cancer diagnosis from 4 hours to 1 hour, greatly improve the efficiency of the clinical pathological diagnosis; It provides a new idea for the research and development of medical nanomaterials in vivo. Professor Wang Yanli, director of the Center for Accurate Targeting of Tumors of Shanghai University, introduced a new tumor targeting mechanism, which broke the bottleneck of low tumor targeting rate in the field of tumor targeted therapy for 30 years. Center on the design and application of intelligent precise targeting nano-fluorescent probe, we plan to develop an automatic digital multi-channel tissue sample scanner to realize rapid, real-time and high-precision histopathological analysis and detection. The visualization real-time surgical navigator for tumors was developed to realize the visual surgical resection of tumors at the single-cell level and reduce the recurrence rate of tumors. To achieve the research objectives of high targeting and high efficacy, and promote the breakthrough in the integration of cancer diagnosis and treatment. Professor Liu Gang from Xiamen University introduced the series of nanoprobes and bionic nanodrug delivery carriers prepared by our research group, which integrate tumor imaging and treatment. He also introduced the research progress in the design and construction of multi-functional bionic nanoprobes and their applications in biomedical field. Professor Yang Banghua from the School of Mechatronics Engineering and Automation of Shanghai University introduced the basic principles of brain-computer interaction, core artificial intelligence decoding method, brain-computer interaction combined with VR technology, and its specific applications in the typical fields of medical and industrial integration, such as rehabilitation of stroke patients, rehabilitation of drug withdrawal diagnosis, and diagnosis of mental depression patients.

Chi Wangzhou, general manager of Shanghai Tianci International Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., proposed that Tianci International adopts the "A+W" innovative industrial model to solve the bottleneck in the last kilometer of industrialization. Day kind based on their own research and development technology as the core, integrated biological medicine research and development, production, sales to form the whole industry chain of trade platform, and the whole industry chain of "flexible, open, giving" sharing platform, look forward to scientists around the world to Shanghai more "medicine", let the ordinary people could afford efficient low-cost medicine at ease. Professor Zhang Jian, President of Shanghai Panorama Medical Imaging Center, introduced Panorama's corporate culture and Panorama Group's development process in the whole country. Innovatively put forward the concept of "integration" and the proactive service concept, to create a system in line with clinical needs. The vision and pursuit of panoramic medical imaging is "to create a well-known medical brand worthy of trust and trust". Bai Rui, chief editor from Xinkai Medical, introduced the important role of intelligent disease management system (SSDM) in effectively realizing the common value of patients and doctors.

At the end of the report, experts, professors and enterprise representatives had an active discussion. Professor Xu Jinlian from Shanghai University proposed that the development of precision medicine must be based on the premise of respecting ethics, and that "new medicine" should be regarded as the connotation requirement, and the strategy of "misplaced development and cross-breakthrough" was proposed. Consolidate the school-running orientation of "small but fine, high starting point, deep integration, internationalization and education of talents"; It is hoped that through the joint efforts of experts from other universities and representatives of enterprises, the good combination of "industry-university-research-application-medicine" will be realized quickly. It is necessary to train not only excellent doctors but also excellent medical scientists. Professor Liu Gang from Xiamen University pointed out the key problems to be solved in the construction of the Medical College of Shanghai University through the example of the Medical College of Xiamen University. Professor Cui Daxiang from Shanghai Jiao Tong University proposed valuable suggestions and guidance based on the establishment of Artificial Intelligence Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. He suggested that we should actively carry out cooperation with various resources to achieve win-win results and common improvement.

Finally, professor Wang Yanli put forward that the BBS is a good beginning for linkage between colleges, believe that with the support of the leadership of the city, in the determination of gold principal as the core of strong party and government under the leadership of Shanghai university, through the unremitting efforts, Shanghai university new medical construction can not be intelligent, not accurate, to promote the rapid development of intelligent precision medical, China for health, health contribute the development strategy of Shanghai. And announced the successful conclusion of the High-end Forum on Intelligent Precision Medicine.

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下一条:Report:Molecular targeting drug resistance and strategies for overcoming it