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Hongzhou Lu

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   


Hongzhou Lu, Chief Physician, Professor, Doctor of Internal Medicine, Postdoctoral Fellow in the United States, Doctor of Internal Medicine Supervisor, Master of Nursing Supervisor. Enjoy the special government allowance of the State Council. The current Secretary of the Party Committee of Shanghai Municipal Public Health Clinical Center (affiliated to Fudan University). Business expertise: fever to be investigated; rational application of antibacterial drugs; diagnosis and treatment of infectious diseases such as central nervous system infection, respiratory system infection, hepatitis, AIDS, and parasites. As the first author or corresponding author, he has published more than 300 papers of various types at home and abroad, among which journals cited in SCI include "New England Journal of Medicine", "Emerging Infectious Diseases", "AIDS", "Plos one", "Journal of Clinical Microbiology" has published more than 60 articles; he has edited 6 professional reference books, associate editor of 6 monographs, and participated in the editing of 38 professional reference books. He has won 7 provincial and ministerial-level scientific and technological achievement awards and 4 patents. Selected as "Leading Talents in Shanghai", "Excellent Discipline Leaders in Shanghai", and "Leading Medical Talents in Shanghai"; successively won the National Advanced Individual in the National Medical and Health System, the National Advanced Individual in the Fight against SARS, China's Pharmaceutical Science and Technology Innovators, and the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League All-China Student Federation "Chinese University Students Cross-Century Development Award Fund"; Shanghai Municipal Health System 10th "Silver Snake Award", Shanghai Municipal Health System Civilized Workers, Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau Advanced Workers and administrative record once, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission "Meiji Dairy Science Award"; American Society of Liver Diseases-Asia Pacific Association of Liver Diseases Award, AIDS International Advocacy Alliance "Loyalty Award"; currently undertaking the national "Twelfth Five-Year" new drug creation platform and major infectious diseases major projects, "863", "973" ( Sub-project), National Natural Science Foundation of China, Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, Gates Foundation of the United States, NIH and other scientific research projects; responsible for research projects of drug clinical trial institutions (AIDS professional group and phase I).

上一条:Zhuang Liu

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