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Le Junren, President of Putuo District Cancer Rehabilitation Club, visited the Tumor Precision Targeting Research Center of Shanghai University

创建时间:  2021/02/25  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

On the morning of November 24th, Le Junren, President of Putuo District Cancer Rehabilitation Club, led members of the club and key members of the club to visit our center to carry out the exchange activity of "Cancer Rehabilitation • Health Management". Professor Wang Yanli, Director of Tumor Precision Targeting Research Center of Shanghai University, received the visit, and all the postgraduates and doctoral students of the research group participated in the activity.

At the beginning of the activity, Professor Wang Yanli extended a warm welcome to Chairman Le Junren and his delegation, and introduced the research situation of the research group in detail. Group for many years, she says, has been focusing on targeted research work in the field of nano drug in tumor diagnosis and treatment, research and development of successful preparation of a new type of tumor cell nucleus specific targeted nano fluorescent probe (GTTN), and put forward the difference with the traditional active and passive targeting effects of (EPR) tumor targeting regimes, tumor targeting cell membrane permeability (CMPT) targeting mechanism, the probe can be early identification of tumor tissue, and on the single cell level following the invasion and metastasis of tumor cells, implements the tumor targeting rate less than 5% to more than 50% qualitative leap. At the same time, demand for bouncy era national development group, positive response xi health China strategy put forward by the general secretary, the scientific research level moved forward, aimed at health management, disease prevention and the new direction, by artificial core elements, with health as the goal, from three aspects, psychological, nutrition, sports to achieve precision personalized health management, disease prevention and rehabilitation, humanism, this paper presents a new health concept, and will be in the people's publishing house published book humanistic health.

President Le Junren introduced the basic situation of Putuo District Cancer Rehabilitation Club in detail. He pointed out that the club since its inception, has been adhering to the "anti-cancer, beyond collective life", from the psychological, diet, sleep, sports, family, and other aspects to launch a new treatment idea and health education pattern, through these psychological therapy, physical training and rehabilitation training and a series of means, members rehabilitation increasing quality of life, to create a another miracle of life, more than ten years, 5 years of survival rate more than 97%. All the staff and volunteers of the club are cancer survivors. They were once a group of ill-fated people facing death threats and suffering from diseases. Faced with the question of what the meaning of life was and how to answer it, they fought with the disease tenaciously, re-embodied the value of life, and showed the unyielding style of life. In addition, Qian Shuangxi and Xu Jinbao, two comrades of the club, respectively, told about their anticancer experience, which shocked people in the venue and sincerely sighed the greatness of life.

After the event, Chairman Le and his delegation also visited the chrysanthemum exhibition "The 18th Chrysanthemum Festival of Shanghai University -- Autumn Rhyme".

上一条:The technological breakthrough of Professor Yanli Wang’s team in the study of fluorescent probes has attracted social media attention