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Molecular toxicological research techniques for nanomaterials

创建时间:  2021/03/01  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

In the past few decades, nanotechnology is a rapidly developing field, leading to nanomaterials increasingly coming into contact with humans. The increasing application of nanomaterials in industry, business and daily life, such as fillers, catalysts, semiconductors, coatings, additives of cosmetics and drug carriers, has caused obvious and potential impacts on human health and the environment. Nanotoxicology is used to study the safety of nanomaterials. Molecular toxicology is a new branch of science that studies the interactions and effects of substances at the molecular level. In order to better understand the relationship between molecular toxicology and nanomaterials, this paper reviews the typical techniques and methods of molecular toxicology in nanomaterials toxicology research, including gene mutation detection, gene expression analysis, DNA damage detection, chromosome aberration analysis, proteomics and metabolomics. Each category involves several experimental techniques and methods.


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