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The technological breakthrough of Professor Yanli Wang’s team in the study of fluorescent probes has attracted social media attention

创建时间:  2021/03/02  李晨晨   浏览次数:   

Recently, Professor Wang Yanli, Director of Shanghai University’s Cancer Precision Targeting Research Center, accepted an exclusive interview with WorldMedical.com. The technological breakthroughs in fluorescent probes have received widespread attention from all walks of life. They have been received by WorldMedical.com, China News, China Net, Guangming.com, Toutiao.com, More than 100 media such as Tencent News and Sina.com have reprinted reports.

The new tumor cell nuclear-targeted nanofluorescent probe (GTTN) developed by Professor Yanli Wang’s research group breaks the bottleneck of low tumor targeting rate and enables early diagnosis and precise diagnosis and treatment of tumors. After clinical application, it will greatly reduce tumors. Mortality and recurrence rate. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and innovation is the primary driving force for development. GTTN realizes the tracking of tumor cell invasion and metastasis at the single cell level, has sensitive tumor cell nucleus specific targeting performance, does not require additional biological ligand modification, and can specifically enter the cell from the tumor cell membrane in vivo and directly target the tumor tissue Cell nucleus; does not enter normal tissue cells, and the uptake rate in normal tissues is extremely low. Therefore, GTTN has universality, sensitivity and precision, and is widely applicable to a variety of tumor types. It can identify and detect tumor focus areas at an early stage, and track tumor cell invasion and metastasis.

Our country is a populous country and a country with a high incidence of tumors. Experts pointed out that the main problem with the high incidence and mortality of tumors in China is the lack of early screening methods in China. Efficient and precise targeting has always been a huge clinical challenge. The traditional targeting mechanism based on the high permeability and retention effect (EPR) of solid tumors has a targeting rate of only about 5%. The GTTN developed by Professor Yanli Wang's research group breaks this limitation through a new cell membrane permeability targeting mechanism (CMPT).

Nowadays, Dr. Wang Yanli leads the team to gradually promote clinical transformation, and accelerate the realization of tumor-targeted fluorescence kits (used to determine the margin after surgery) and tumor-targeted fluorescent imaging agents (used for rapid identification of tumor tissue interfaces during surgery) The pace of clinical application transformation. At present, they have completed the GTTN interface analysis experiment on isolated human liver cancer tissues, and found that GTTN effectively distinguishes normal liver tissues from liver cancer tissues. The next step will be to carry out toxicological evaluation and clinical trials.

Dr. Wang Yanli said that as a scientific researcher, the needs of the country and the people are the direction of her efforts. While accelerating the transformation of the targeted nano-fluorescent probe industry, they will simultaneously further advance the design of targeted nano-drugs and supporting medical equipment. The research and development and clinical application transformation of the company, the development of highly efficient targeted nano-medicine with specific targeting, and the development of medical equipment with independent intellectual property rights and specific targeted fluorescent probes. "We hope that we can gradually advance from the outside to the inside of the body, from precise diagnosis to the integration of precise diagnosis and treatment, and then to automatic intelligent and precise diagnosis and treatment, filling in the gaps in the international and domestic gaps, and realizing a breakthrough in the integration of tumor diagnosis and treatment."

Main media links:

1.World Medical Network:https://www.sjyl.com/xwsd/4139220J5.html



4.People's Daily Online:https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1691200782875072587&wfr=spider&for=pc

5.China Net:https://health.gmw.cn/2021-02/09/content_34611952.htm


7.Headline today:https://www.toutiao.com/i6928944338580029966/

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